
Plaudit Minds aims to cover maximum aspects of human psychology and help people gain maximum advantage out of their life based on their likes and dislikes, personality traits, attitude, intelligence level, learning style and behaviour.
From basic training modules to advanced training modules, DMIT sessions take place at regular intervals with continuous counselling and progress evaluation to help you achieve the desired results. The first coaching session is conducted post the mind-mapping test, following which, our experts continue to provide extensive care, guidance and remedial measures to ensure success in the DMIT procedure. The entire coaching module will help you understand an accurate analysis of our innate potential in a unique point based way. Plaudit Minds believes in establishing enduring credibility and trust with our clients and thus, our DMIT coaching package is thoroughly designed for maximum results.
Your personalized DMIT report can be best analysed with the guidance of our experts and counsellors who are well-equipped with the latest technology and knowledge to help you easily understand the test report, key findings and improvement measures regarding the learning skills, intelligence, behaviour, personality and mindset of an individual. With our proven DMIT coaching modules, you can assess your true potential and interpret the behaviour accurately. Particularly relevant for new born children and teenagers, as a parent, you must have greater understanding and knowledge of your child’s in-born talents, strengths and weaknesses and our DMIT coaching programme will give you the confidence to communicate and motivate your child in life.

Our DMIT coaching sessions will prove to be an eye-opener for individuals from all walks of life, who are striving to be successful and happier but are not sure about how to bring the change they want in their lives. A DMIT coaching session with Modelling Minds experts will help them formulate coachable and realistic life goals which can be easily achieved with counselling and evaluation. We are not just medical and science experts, we are a friend, a motivator, a teacher and a life guide for children, teenagers and adults. For more information, please feel free to contact us for a counselling session on DMIT. 


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